Choose the type of product: Fertilizers, seeds, spare parts… then enter your request, our experts will respond to you within 24 hours

Click here to request

Fill in the return form, you will receive a return label within days (depends on the farmer)

Click here to declare your return

As soon as your order changes to “shipped” status, your invoice is automatically generated and available in your customer account (“My invoices” section)

Access your customer account

Use our quote request tool, choose the “PARTS” category and enter your request or question in the comment field. Our experts will get back to you within 24 hours

Click here to request information

Use our quote request tool, choose the “PARTS” category and enter your request or question in the comment field. Our experts will get back to you within 24 hours

Click here to request information

For all your other requests, you can use the form below.

    If you contact us for order tracking, please provide us with the order number in your message.

    By clicking the “Send Message” button you agree to our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.

The information requested is necessary to process your contact request and trade.
    In order to make your contact request, you must fill in all the fields marked with an asterisk (*), the latter being mandatory.

    Your email address will be used to communicate with you and send you our newsletters (technical content, market newsletter, commercial offers, etc.).
    You have a right of access, rectification, erasure and opposition to the processing of your data as well as the right to define directives on the fate of your data after your death.

    You can exercise these rights under the conditions provided for in the Data Protection Policy and by sending an email to

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